How to Configure MinIO Plugin for File Storage in MedusaJS Locally

In this post, we’ll guide you through setting up the MinIO plugin for MedusaJS on your local environment. This integration will allow you to store files in a MinIO bucket, which works similarly to Amazon S3. We’ll walk through installing the plugin and setting environment variables.

Have your own account on AWS? Read how to setup an AWS S3 bucket for MedusaJS.


  • Knowledge of environment variables
  • Installed MedusaJS project
  • Access to for receiving MinIO credentials


  1. Set up environment variables.
  2. Install the MinIO plugin via npm.
  3. Add the plugin to your Medusa config file.
  4. Test the configuration locally.

Step 1: Set Up Environment Variables

To connect your local Medusa project to MinIO for file storage, you'll need certain environment variables. These are provided by when you set up your instance. Here's an example of what the environment variables might look like:

  • MINIO_ACCESS_KEY — Access key provided by us.
  • MINIO_BUCKET_NAME — Bucket name provided by us (usually matches the ID of your Medusa instance).
  • MINIO_ENDPOINT_URL — Fixed Minio URL, does not change.
  • MINIO_REGION — Region provided by us (in most cases, this will be us-east-1).
  • MINIO_SECRET_KEY — Secret key for access, provided by us.
  • MINIO_URL — Full URL, composed of the fixed Minio address + bucket name.

Note: You will receive the actual values for these variables from Nomodo. Do not use the placeholders above.

Add these values to your local .env file. This will allow Medusa to use them during local development.

Example .env file:


Step 2: Install the MinIO Plugin

Next, you'll need to install the medusa-file-minio plugin, which adds support for MinIO as a file storage solution for your Medusa backend.

Use npm to install the plugin by running:

npm install medusa-file-minio

This plugin enables your Medusa backend to seamlessly upload and store files on your MinIO instance. For further information and advanced configuration options, check out the official medusa-file-minio plugin documentation.

Step 3: Add MinIO Plugin to Your Medusa Configuration

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll need to configure it by adding it to your Medusa config file. Open your Medusa configuration file (medusa-config.js or medusa-config.ts), and include the following code:

  resolve: 'medusa-file-minio',
  options: {
    endpoint: process.env.MINIO_ENDPOINT,
    bucket: process.env.MINIO_BUCKET,
    access_key_id: process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY,
    secret_access_key: process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY,

This configuration allows Medusa to use the MinIO plugin for file storage, leveraging the environment variables you defined earlier.

Step 4: Test the Local Setup

After configuring the plugin, it’s time to test if everything is working correctly. Start your local Medusa server:

npm run dev

Now, try uploading a file through the Medusa admin panel or your store’s frontend. If everything is configured properly, the file should be successfully uploaded to your MinIO bucket.

Troubleshooting: If the file upload fails, ensure that the environment variables are correctly set and check the logs for errors. Also, verify that your access keys and secrets are valid.

Deploy—put it live

Once your changes are ready, commit and push them to the remote repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Your message"
git push origin master

Copy these ENV variables into Settings > Environment Variables app detail. After you’ve filled in all the variables, press the “Reload” button, which will run a new deployment in the background. Until the deployment is complete, the Medusa.js backend will not be available, but don’t worry, it will only take a few seconds.


Setting up file storage for your MedusaJS store using the MinIO plugin locally is a straightforward process. With the environment variables provided by and a quick plugin installation, you’ll be ready to handle file uploads seamlessly.

This setup allows you to offload file management to MinIO’s robust storage infrastructure while keeping your Medusa backend clean and efficient. Try it out, and if you need more help, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Nomodo support team!

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