Changelog #2446

Take control of your deployments with the new rollback button, detailed build logs, and improved app status. These updates simplify recovery, enhance visibility, and ensure seamless app management for a smoother workflow.

Rollback Button for Deployments

The new rollback button allows you to revert to the last successful deployment if issues arise. For example, if a new feature breaks functionality, simply roll back with one click to restore the previous stable version. It’s disabled during ongoing deployments or failures to avoid errors.

Full Build Log for Deployments

Gain full visibility into build and deployment processes with detailed build logs. You can track every step of your app deployment, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

Fixes and Improvements

  • A new app status⁣ deleting: To improve tracking and control over app states.
  • Enhanced Error Handling: Improved the system to ignore common errors in reporting.
  • Deployment Details: Deployment IDs are now visible in the detail tables, making tracking easier.

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