Changelog #2430

Hello community! Here's an overview of what you can expect in this release: Restore backups, run scripts, redesigned Deploy tab,...

Revamped Deploy Tab

  • User-friendly interface: The new Deploy tab features a sleek, intuitive design to simplify your deployment management.
  • Enhanced Visual Feedback: Enjoy clear visual indicators of deployment status, making it easy to monitor your projects.
  • Improved Logs: Detailed logs provide greater insight and help troubleshoot deployment issues quickly and efficiently.

Run NPM scripts

  • Script Management: Manage your deployment scripts directly from the Preferences menu. All these scripts originate from npm scripts in package.json in the application's linked Git repository.

Restore Backups

  • Effortless Recovery: Easily restore backups of your application, ensuring your data is safe and recoverable.

Fixes and Improvements

Performance Improvements: Keeping the platform running smoothly and efficiently is our top priority. Regular performance and stability updates ensure you get a fast and reliable service.

Code Improvements: Keeping the code base clean and up to date with new standards ensures long-term maintainability and scalability.

Stay updated with our latest news by following us on Twitter. For assistance, join our community on the Discord channel.

Happy deploying!

The Team

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